
Bone Cold (2017) is an official selection at Oaxaca Film Festival (2017) and in competition for best thriller screenplay!  – coming soon from Bullet Dance FIlms and Hellbender Media, written and produced by Amber Bariaktari, directed by Edward Martin III.


The Dead (2016) – written and directed by Edward Martin III, story by Amber Bariaktari and Edward Martin III, produced by Amber Bariaktari and Katrina Martin III.

The Dead is about how we affect others. It’s about all the little and big changes that we make in the lives around us, sometimes through deliberate action, sometimes just by being ourselves.

The Dead answers the question everyone asks at one time or another: “Why bother — who’s gonna care?” Everyone in The Dead is a person (or some group of people) facing their last moments with someone who has passed away. These are their confessions to the dead, their admissions to the dead, their thanks, their castigations, everything. This is all the marks left in existence by one person.

This is what remains. Not a body, or a will or a bit of dirt, but lives that have been changed and altered.